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    International Dede Korkut Culture and Art Festival

    Dede Korkut (Korkut Ata) is a semi-legendary sage who is exalted and sacralized in the old epics of the Oğuz Turks, who knows the traditions and customs of the steppe life very well, who preserves the tribal organization and the narrator of the stories in the Book of Dede Korkut, the oldest epic of the Turks. His name is sometimes referred to as Korkut and sometimes as Korkut Ata in historical sources and various Oğuz narrations, and is also referred to as Dede Korkut in Western Turkish.  Dede Korkut has been accepted into the Representative List of UNESCO World Intangible Cultural Heritage.

    Baksı Museum Student and Art Festival

    This festival, which is organized every year to support the education of students with art skills, provides unforgettable moments for those who participate in the festivities with its meaning as well as its fun and visual themes.

    Bayburt Organic Harvest Festivals

    Organized with the aim of promoting the organic products produced in Bayburt and the historical, natural and cultural riches of Aşağı Coruh Valley, the Organic Harvest Festival (Organik Ürünler Hasat Şenliği) provides entertaining moments for its participants.